
Anatomy Labs

Lab Rat Academy’s Anatomy Labs cover the basics for learning how to dissect preserved and fresh organisms using safety equipment. During our anatomy labs we provide safety glasses, gloves, and lab aprons, as well as scalpels and other dissecting equipment. Choose from a selection of anatomy labs varying from preserved organisms to preserved organs to simple un-preserved specimens.

From flowers to frogs students can learn about the complexities, function and structure of living organisms through dissection. Lab Rat Academy’s anatomy dissection labs give students the opportunity to compare and contrast our human anatomy with the anatomy of the organisms they are exploring. Even a flower can give students insight into the world of our human body.





Introduction to Biology

1st – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Studio Labs Available

Owl Pellet Exploration
Flower Dissection
Fruit Dissection
Squid Dissection


Click here for more information

Basic Anatomy

2nd – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Studio Labs Available

Earthworm Dissection
Grasshopper Dissection
Crayfish Dissection
Frog Dissection


Click here for more information

Organ Comparison

3rd – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Sheep Brain Dissection
Cow Eye Dissection
Pig Heart Dissection
Pig Kidney Dissection


Click here for more information

Advanced Anatomy

4th – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Rat Dissection

Pigeon Dissection

Non-Venomous Snake

Fetal Pig Dissection


Click here for more information

Aquatic Anatomy

4th – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Dogfish Shark Dissection

Skate Dissection

Perch Dissection

Sea Star Dissection


Click here for more information

Fetal Pig Dissection

4th – 12th grade

4 hour lab

Fetal Pig Dissection


Click here for more information

Extra charges of 58 cents/round trip mile apply for offsite labs.