
Art Labs

There is scientific reasoning why your student should include art in their education. It has been argued that art helps develop the brain in the areas of social and academic performance.

Lab Rat Academy now includes art courses in our curriculum to assist the neurobiological development your children’s brains in ways that can’t be touched by math, science and language arts. Now is the perfect time to start.





4th – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Watercolor Techniques

Watercolor Expression

$160/4 week lab
$200/5 week lab

+$40 for additional

Oil Pastel

2nd – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Oil Pastel Tecniques

Oil Pastel Expression

$160/4 week lab
$200/5 week lab

+$40 for additional

Soft Pastel

2nd – 12th grade

1.5 hour labs

Soft Pastel Techniques

Soft Pastel Expression

$160/4 week lab
$200/5 week lab

+$40 for additional

Extra charges of 58 cents/round trip mile apply for offsite labs.